BTC/BCH/BSV Mining Guide

 Common FAQ    |      2022-08-09

ASIC miners are used for BTC/BCH/BSV mining. Following is a mining guide for how an ASIC Antminer is connected to OKX's mining pool:

  1. Visit the "Miner General Configuration" page

After obtaining the worker's IP address, you can use a computer being connected to a local area network (LAN) port to visit such IP address on the browser and log in on the "Miner General Configuration" page (you can see how to obtain such IP address as well as the username and password of the "Miner General Configuration" page on Antpool's website).


Next, connect the worker to our mining pool on the "Miner General Configuration" page.


  1. Connect the miner to OKX Pool


The above shows the general configuration settings of the worker. The definitions of "URL", "Worker" and "Password" are as follows:


URL: It is the "mining address" of your target currency. See Mining Address.

Worker: the worker's name. It is a combination of your "Alias" and "Worker ID". The format is "Alias.Worker ID".

  • Alias: It is the aliasdisplayed on your OKX Pool For example, if your alias is "tothemoon" as shown below, you need to enter "tothemoon" as your"alias".


  • "Worker ID": You can randomly choose any alphabets or numbers to set up your "Worker ID". It will be displayed on the "Manage Miners" page.

Password: Optional. No meaning.


OKX Pool provides three mining addresses for all assets. Configuration is complete after entering and saving the mining addresses, the worker's name and/or passwords in the corresponding entries on the "Miner General Configuration" page.


Congratulations! Your worker has been successfully connected to our mining pool.

A step-by-step guide to purchasing and selling crypto on OKX,

Step 1: Log in to your OKX account
Before you can start buying or selling cryptocurrency on OKX, you must first log in to your OKX account. If you do not yet have an account, click Sign up and complete the registration process.
Step 2: Select Buy/Sell
Once you have logged in to your OKX account, click Buy Crypto in the upper left-hand corner of the screen to get started.
Step 3: Select your purchasing method
The next step is to choose how you would like to buy or sell . There are two primary options on OKX: Express and P2P trade.

Finally, simply confirm your transaction details.

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